Paper Submission
Camera-ready Submission Instruction
1. All camera-ready manuscript submissions will be handled electronically.
2. All files used in the manuscript must be compressed and submitted. Otherwise, it cannot be included in the ACM digital library. Therefore, you have to upload a standard zip file containing (1) Final manuscript in PDF, (2) Original document (LaTex, Word), and (3) Original figures by August 28.
3. The information related to the copyright on the bottom left of the first page of your manuscript should be updated with the copyright statement, the information of the conference, and the information of the DOI included in the copyright document submitted online.
(Note) Final camera ready papers(full paper) will not exceed 6 pages; 2 extra pages will be allowed at additional cost. For a poster paper (2 pages), 2 extra pages will be allowed at additional cost.
ACM format style LaTeX and MS-Word camera-ready copy templates for RACS 2020 are available here:
LaTeX templates
: [LaTeX]
MS-Word templates
: [MS-Word]
Camera-ready Manuscript Online Submission → [Link]