SAC 2016
31st ACM Symposium
on Applied Computing

Pisa, Italy   April 4-8, 2016
Association for
Computing Machinery
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Welcome to SAC 2016
The 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing

2016 SAC SRC Winners

2016 Best Paper Winners

2016 SAC Best Poster Winner

Final Program is posted
Final Table of Content is posted on the Final Program page
Author Registration is now open

Author registration due date is Dec 18, 2015
Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC is Dec 7, 2015
Notification of paper acceptance/rejection is Nov 23, 2015
Notification of SRC acceptance/rejection is Nov 30, 2015
Notification of Tutorials Acceptance is Nov 01, 2015

Preparing Camera-Ready Copy

1) Prepare your camera-ready paper using the posted template except for the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and the copyright notice at the bottom of the first page.
2) Complete your ACM online copyright after receiving an email from ACM on how to complete your copyright form; you will receive the email within a week.
3) Upon completing your ACM online copyright form, you will receive a confirmation email from ACM. Find the DOI & the appropriate copyright notice of your paper included the confirmation email and add them to your camera-ready paper.
4) Make sure that all fonts in your final camera-ready paper are embedded.
5) Go to the START submission system, fill in the details, and upload your camera-ready paper (PDF) as well as its source file (WORD or zipped LATEX).


Important Notice
Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the papers and posters in the conference proceedings.
An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for all accepted papers, posters, and invited SRC submissions to be included in the ACM digital library.
No-show of scheduled papers, posters, and SRC abstracts will result in excluding them from the ACM digital library.

SAC No-Show Statement
SAC maintains a master list of authors who have not shown up at SAC conference to present their papers.
The statement is updated and posted on this website right after the conference. Please see SAC 2015 no-show statement in the


SAC is the premier annual conference sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP).

The 2016 edition of SAC will be held on April 4-8, 2016 in Pisa, Italy, jointly hosted by two University institutions:

 University of Pisa 

 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna 

ACM SAC adopts a track-based organization, with multiple tracks focusing on different facets of Applied Computing. Conference tracks are set upon a selection of proposals, so to have in each SAC edition a broad coverage of the most interesting and hot topics in the area.

Researcher and practitioners from both academia and industry find in SAC the right place to both discuss issues and solutions in their specific interest field, and get in touch with ideas from neighboring investigation areas. Specific tutorials and keynote speeches from leading researches represent important and popular events as well.

SAC participates also in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), a unique opportunity for students to experience the research world. The SRC Program is sponsored by

Basic Information

Call for Track Proposals (Submission is closed)

Click HERE to Upload Track Proposal

Call for Papers and Tutorials

Call for Student Research Abstracts

Track Chairs Guidelines (2016)

SAC Hosting Proposal Guidelines

Download SAC 2016 Poster

Important Dates
Submission of track proposals May 01, 2015
Notification of acceptance/rejection of track proposals May 15, 2015
Submission of track CFPs to the Program Chairs May 29, 2015
Dissemination of CFP and website for each track Jun 12, 2015
Submission of papers and SRC research abstracts (extended) Sep 11, 2015
Sep 28, 2015
Submission of Tutorial Proposals Sep 25, 2015
Notification of Tutorials Acceptance Nov 01, 2015
Notification of paper acceptance/rejection Nov 23, 2015
Notification of SRC acceptance/rejection Nov 30, 2015
Author registration due date Dec 18, 2015
SRC Poster Presentations Apr 05, 2016
SRC Oral Presentations Apr 07, 2016

Steering Committee
Barrett R. Bryant
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas, USA
Hisham M. Haddad
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
Sascha Ossowski
University Rey Juan Carlos
Madrid, Spain
Sung Y. Shin
South Dakota State University
Brookings, South Dakota, USA
Roger L. Wainwright (Chair)
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Organizing Committee
Conference Chair
Sascha Ossowski
University Rey Juan Carlos
Madrid, Spain
Conference Vice-Chair
Giorgio Buttazzo
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Pisa, Italy
Conference Vice-Chair
Alessio Bechini
University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy
Program Co-Chair
Jiman Hong
Soongsil University
Seoul, Korea
Program Co-Chair
Maria Lencastre
University of Pernambuco
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
Local Arrangement Chair
Ettore Ricciardi
Pisa, Italy
Publication Chair
John Kim
Utica College
Utica, New York, USA
Tutorials Chair
Francesco Marcelloni
University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy
Posters Chair
Chih-Cheng Hung
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, Georgia, USA
SRC Chair
Hossain Shahriar
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, Georgia, USA
Hisham M. Haddad
Kennesaw State University
Marietta, Georgia, USA