The 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing

Tallinn Estonia

March 27 - March 31, 2023

sponsored by
ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP)

local support provided by

held at
Tallinn University Conference Center




  • Submission of track proposals
    Notification of acceptance/rejection of track proposals
    Submission of track CFPs to the Program Chairs
    Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts
    Submission of Tutorial Proposals
    Notification of Tutorials Acceptance
    Notification of paper acceptance/rejection
    Notification of SRC acceptance/rejection
    Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC
    Author registration due date
    Submission of STAP(Student Travel Award Program) application
    Notification of STAP Awardee
    : SRC Posters Exhibit
    : Non-SRC Posters Program
    : SRC Oral Presentations